Sunday, June 21, 2009

Торта Тирамису за денят на бащата/ Happy Father's day!

За денят на бащата направих това Тирмису по желание на нашият татко. Нищо не може да се сравни с вкуса на Тирамисуто според него и за това за всеки специален повод правя Тирамису. Идеите ми за декорация започнаха да се изчерпват вече :-)
Честит Ден на Бащата!

For Father's day I made this Tiramisu for my hubby at his special request. Nothing tastes better than Tiramisu according to him. So for every special occasion I make Tiramisu. I am running already out if ideas for decoration :-)
Happy Father's day!


  1. Hello Milena,
    I'm so sorry that I'm visiting you so late. My P.C. is giving me lots of troubles; I can not comment back on my blog and sometimes I can not access other blogs as well. But, here I am now and I'm not going to leave your blog until I search everything that I missed.
    So, starting with this cake that was made for Father's Day, all I have to say is GORGEOUS!!!
    I'm sure PAPA was very happy to see it and proud of his talented little girl! Congratulations! PAPA is happy!

  2. Thanks a lot, dear Nina! You are always so sweet to me! I hope your computer problem will be solved soon. I cannot imagine what I would do without computer :-(
